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Sunday, July 29, 2012

17th Birthday (part 3)

thanks to my brother and sisters ( ce maggie , ce nancy, ce monica, and ko Mike )
really love it!

thanks guys!!!! i'm super excited right now *beer*

17th Birthday (part 2)

 T H E  D I N N E R

ce jess and pat
clara, cella and pau

the stag girls! :D

my lovely team BUCKY!! thanks for the great pic

my amazing family, HeavyBUCKStylez 

crown! my classmate on XII grade

idk what are we doing... lol

janice and arlene 

vina , ayu , melisa , ida, indah


erixan and frida 

MUKTI!!!!! <3

Ko robby , Ce maggie and Ce monica. :)

17th Birthday (part 1)



Tuesday, July 24, 2012

our dream STAGe!

ini adalah foto-foto saat  Farewell Party bersama 
keluarga besar SMAK.St.Agnes di Kowloon 
beberapa bulan yang lalu.. (saat masih jadi anak SMA) #alay

with Regina Celine (model hebat di Santa Agnes)

with twin Natasha & Yurikho

with bos Kalimantan, Erixan!
Indah!! best buddy :)
Frida, Erixan, ME! :D
MUKTI!! bestt friend foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Superb 'sweet' Night

           Kemarin malam aku, ce maggie, ko robby, ko mike, dan ce chyntia
menghabiskan waktu malam dengan mengadakan semacam dinner bersama di Jamoo Shangri-la . Ide dinner ini sebenarnya dicetus oleh ce Maggie sejak seminggu yang lalu.
namun karena ada beberapa halangan, maka acara ini diundur hinga kemarin malam.

           Sungguh suatu kebetulan, tema makanan pada malam itu adalah "International Food" , dan jika kalian tau, pagi harinya aku menulis pada akun twitterku mengenai "craving for sushi" . jadi ini berarti bahwa keinginan untuk melahap sushi langsung terpenuhi. awww yeaaa

           Setelah sampai di Jamoo bersama Ko Mike & Ce Cyhn, serta bertemu dengan pasangan mesra ( baca : Ce Maggie & Ko Robby) kami pun langsung mengambil tempat untuk duduk dan memulai dinner malam itu dengan penuh canda dan tawa. lol

I made my own Dessert

          Dan ternyata yang menarik perhatianku adalah bagian Dessert nya (makanan pencuci mulut) .karena ini bersifat buffet dan aku adalah penggila makanan / minuman manis. maka tak tanggung-tanggung aku mengambil semua item yang disediakan untuk menu dessert ku malam itu sebanyak dua kali dengan jumlah porsi yang sama.

(Sweet Wafle, Ice Cream Strawberry & Vanilla, Chocolate Fondue, Maple Syroup, Chocolate Biscuit, Choco Rice, Chocolate Cake, and M&M caandies) so damn perfect!
inilah juga alasan mengapa aku menamakan post ini "superb sweet night" :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Move'tivation 2011

Prolog  : Move'tivation is a dance workshop which brings international dancers. And for the first year,  they invited Pat Cruz and Jeka Jane from Movement Lifestyle group.

After they arrived at Surabaya, I had some chances 
to having a short chit-chat with them
and  i felt that they were a very kind and funny person

I joined both of their session on Friday. And I have studied
many new move and gained a lot of experiences from their session.

 Pat Cruz prefer to used unique voices to teach
while Jeka Jane made the session become relax 
and enjoyable with her jokes like "i gotta pee"  or "tidak" 
after Pat's session *we looks sweaty*

after Jeka's session  *Pat's wristwatch looks shiny* lol!

On the next day, I came back to Move'tivation again
(but not to join another session, hehe)
but to bring some limited edition T-shirt which i 
design it on my own and gave it to them for free.
*only 24 pieces in the world*
I hope they would be delighted and pleased to get this T-shirt

Dance is the hidden language of the soul -oart

I also ask for their autograph on my book.
Hopefully with all the experience they share at Surabaya
could make me and my friends dancing passion to grow
and developed even more

Thanks Pat Cruz and Jeka Jane, hope you would
came back again to Surabaya next time.
Last but not least, don't forget to wear my limited 
T-shirt that I have given to you :p

big thanks from Surabaya dancers :)

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